Breastfeeding is no easy feat. It takes time, effort, and determination, yet it is totally worth it! I had a surprisingly tough time nursing my newborn baby at NICU. The first two weeks was the hardest and my nipples were chapped and sore. I faced the hard truth; Nursing may be normal and natural, but it's also downright difficult. In fact, it's so hard and tedious that many moms just give up. Some people were telling me to just give it up. I would have quit easily but I pushed through despite the pain, sleepless nights and buckets of tears.
Whenever I feel like giving up, I think of the time that I almost lost my baby. It reminds me that there's a reason why this is all worth it. My breastfeeding journey is quite challenging. Thankfully, I got much-needed help and support from my husband.
Also, I learned a lot from the experts at the recent Only Moms Breastfeeding Event at the 3rd Floor of SM Makati. It was an exciting and educational week-long event with fun activities, breastfeeding solutions booths, and amazing prizes for participants, just in time for Breastfeeding Month.
It’s proven that the benefits of breastfeeding are unmatched by any other. As a brand with the mission of supporting the joys and challenges of parenthood, Pigeon launched its Only Moms Breastfeeding Advocacy to celebrate the unique and phenomenal ability of moms to breastfeed their babies.
Moms and dads learned more about why breastfeeding is indeed #BestFeeding, both in terms of health and practicality, while everyone else gained better understanding and appreciation of what breastfeeding moms go through to better help and support them.
The event was made more enriching with tips and advice about breastfeeding solutions by certified parenting and lactation expert, Abbie Yabot. Richwell Phils Inc., COO, Maye Yao Co Say shared her own insights about why breastfeeding should be given more importance. While Pigeon Brand Ambassador, Shamcey Supsup-Lee, was able to lend a relatable voice for new moms like her going through their own breastfeeding journey.
Shamcey Supsup-Lee, Pigeon's newest Brand Ambassador
Breastfeeding does not come without challenges. Luckily, I've rounded up the only breastfeeding tips you'll ever need, from the experts who've figured out the smartest tricks and solutions.
- Eat lots of malunggay, have lots of soup, and power pump every three hours.
- Use a breast pump and nipple cream.
Despite the challenges of breastfeeding, Shamcey managed. “We don’t want our baby to get sick. Nothing can really replace breastmilk. They’ve not been able to make a formula that can mimic what breastmilk can do for the baby,” she concluded.
- Use nipple/breast pads.
I really love Pigeon Honeycomb Breast Pads because it can keep my clothes dry after a breastfeeding session with my baby! It has a quilted honeycomb lining that provides leak-proof coverage. It's definitely a must have!
- Just keep breastfeeding and pumping.
Pump in between feedings. They say moms produce more milk in their right breast so just continue to offer the both sides to balance it out.
The Pigeon Electric Breast Pump Portable has Expression Mode which helps maximize milk flow. This guarantees enough milk for your precious one.
Abbie encouraged moms further to keep on breastfeeding despite the challenges because there are solutions, “Yes, there are challenges that can be quite daunting, but there are good solutions. And that’s what Pigeon emphasizes,” she said. “For moms who feel like they are not producing enough milk, it’s actually helpful to just keep breastfeeding and pumping. The more milk you express, the more your body will produce. It’s also best to use a breast pump to keep the milk flowing,” Abbie added.
- Breastfeed on demand. For the first 6 months, don't wait for your baby to cry before you feed them. Look for cues that they are hungry, like when their mouth is open, or they put their hand to their mouth. Another thing I learned was that babies have a secret language due to their reflexes. When they are hungry, you will hear them say “neh”. Try it! Oh, and don't forget to burp your baby after a feed. Feed often. Forget about routines and do not rush when feeding.
Moms who breastfeed longer have;
- a lower risk of ovarian cancer, breast cancer and endometrial cancer
- a lower risk of developing diabetes
- a lower risk of rheumatoid arthritis
- Wear comfy nursing tops. It can be tube tops, shirts with buttons, nursing dress or wrap dress. Name it, there’s a wide variety of nursing-friendly options you can choose from. What’s important is that you choose something easy to wear that won’t expose your belly. As for me, boob access is the first thing I think of whenever I go shopping!
- Use a nursing pillow. Unlike other pillows, it wraps around your body and helps with positioning. It can also relieve stress on your back, neck, and shoulders.
- If you're co-sleeping, always put your baby on the back to sleep, never on the front or their side. To be honest, co-sleeping really saved my sanity! It allowed me to have more sleep. It, of course, became normal to fall asleep with exposed breasts or to walk around the house with one breast hanging out. *wink*
Pigeon encourages everyone to be breastfeeding advocates, because our support plays a crucial part in mom and baby’s breastfeeding journey.
Have you tried one of these breastfeeding tips and how has it worked out for you? Would love to hear if you have other ideas on how to encourage and support breastfeeding moms. Feel free to share them below.
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