There are photos printed and photo books made that are beautiful and gorgeous, and trust me, I still print most of our family pictures because I'm a photographer. I know the value of printed photos and the need to preserve wonderful moments in the best possible way.
Moms are their baby's #1 fans, who usually take a gazillion photos of their baby's firsts. However, I know that at the end of our lifespan, only a couple hundred will ever have them printed and framed.

If it weren't for the fact that even in this digital age where everything can be uploaded and stored online, there’s no guarantee that those photos are perpetually available for viewing or downloading. Also, most of us are indeed guilty of having hundreds of our baby's first milestones pictures stored or relegated to a forgotten desktop folder. That's why I feel very deeply about the need to print and preserve photos of my baby's first milestones because baby’s firsts are always precious.
For the most memorable ones, you can't beat the geniuses over at Pampers. Because your baby’s first moments deserve to be treasured forever, the world’s leading diaper brand had the very first Pampers First Family Photo Shoot in select stores in Metro Manila last month.
As a mom, I want to preserve and treasure a moment for a lifetime with a family portrait that will definitely stand the test of time. So I visited the the Pampers First Family Photo Booth at The Marketplace in Rockwell Powerplant Mall last June 25.
I ran it under some water and I was pretty impressed. :) It's really 100% waterproof which I can easily wipe clean and can last for up to 100 years!
Families enjoyed a free pictorial done by the professionals and they got wet-proof family portraits that can last for up to 100 years.
Aside from free family photo shoots done by pros, there was a Pampers Baby Dry Wetproof Milestones Photo Restoration Service booth where water-damaged photos of your baby can be restored and even transformed into waterproof portraits!
I unearthed an old photo, our first family picture, from 2008. I was so glad that I was able to restore this photo and make them wetproof for free. Thanks to Pampers!

Indeed, Pampers not only enables baby a good night's sleep that leads to another day of firsts, but also helps moms remember and preserve these precious milestones forever.
For more details and new promo, visit the Pampers Facebook page (
Btw, here are the winners of my 24-hour raffle! Congrats, lovelies! :) Happy Monday!

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