Quirkysuyen & House of Flair’s Birthday Treat

To begin with, lemme ask.. "What is your one quirk that you’re not ashamed to admit?"

If you have one or dozen to mention, don't hesitate to share it and answer this question @quirkysuyen's blog and you could win something special from the House of Flair or a 1 MAC Pret a Papier Collection Eyeshadow in Tissue Weight.

Here’s an example of how you can answer:

I like to put Ovaltine or Milo in my bread as palaman!

Blog: http://yourblog.com/quirkysuyenbirthdaytreatblahblahblah

Email: me@mail.com

Twitter: @lols123


and here's my entry:

It takes me a lot longer to watch movies or video clips from Youtube than most people because I pause or rewind at any mild awkward, cheesy, or suspenseful moment.

Blog: http://mybabychanelle.blogspot.com/2011/03/quirkysuyen-house-of-flairs-birthday.html

Email: hushbaby22@yahoo.com

Twitter: @chelle26

hi Suyen! have a wonderful birthday! i sure hope you never run out of reasons to smile! ^-^

So what are you waiting for? Get your quirk on! :)

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