#ChooseTheRightHue and Find Happiness at Bounty Fresh Egg's #WorldEggDay Event

In a world full of reds, pinks and purples, be a yellow. It may not be everyone's favorite but one day, you'll discover one splash of color that can brighten up a seemingly dull, grey day. 🌞 It shines with optimism, positivity and happiness.

 I just find myself happy with the simple things.  And today, I'm speaking as a  self-proclaimed egg-head and yellow-lover, who loves eating (you guessed it) amazing egg dishes. I just found it so bizarre that I didn't have options when I woke up in the morning and wanted an egg! When I go to the supermarket, it makes me happy to find healthy or organic eggs. Thanks to Bounty Fresh! They make EGG-ceptional eggs that are Nutri-filled, Omega 3-enriched, Organic Selenium, and Cage-free! And if I cook a brunch for my kids, it's really omelets with Bounty Fresh eggs. Indeed, a simple yet tasty omelet can definitely make a bad day better.

Yasss.. life can be stressful sometimes.. there were times I think I'm goin' BANANAS over my favorite bunch (aka my kids) :) They say being a mom is the hardest thing you can ever do. I didn't believe that until it happened to me. It's just crazy. There's no end. There's no break. There are always things happening, but that's okay and even when I'm not PEELING well, I still smile. I'm looking at life, sunny-side up, because life is too short to be hard-boiled. 🍳😊

I can be SWEET & CORNy too (just like now lol) but I'm pretty serious when it comes to relationships. That said, I believe that if a man ain't treating you right, you better let that MANGO. Srsly. I want to spread a bit of sunshine to those who might be going through some sour time...

So I'm sharing an EGGciting event that I'm sure you can't eggnore. Bounty Fresh has an eggtastic revelation at the #WorldEggDay event happening this October 12 at the Mall Atrium Eastwood. Get to know what's beneath the shell of every premium quality eggs of Bounty Fresh. Plus, a lot of egg-xhilarating activities await you there starting 11AM!

So squeeze the day and LEMON know if you're coming. See you there!

 P.S. Don't forget to join my giveaway. Over Php50,000 worth of prizes are up for grabs! :) Follow me on Instagram for more deets.


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