Bounty Fresh Celebrates World Egg Day and Promotes Health Benefits of Eggs

Is it advisable to eat eggs every day?  Yes! Itlog everyday is OK!

Researches show eating an egg everyday does not increase risk of heart disease. An egg has 187 mg of cholesterol, and the recommended limit is 300 mg per day—or only 200 mg if you have diabetes or risk factors for heart disease.  I also learned that four eggs everyday  may even improve your health, as they contain nutrients difficult to find in other foods.

I'm speaking as a  self-proclaimed egg-head and egg-lover, who loves eating (you guessed it) amazing egg dishes. I just found it so bizarre that I didn't have options when I woke up in the morning and wanted an egg! When I go to the supermarket, it makes me happy to find healthy or organic eggs. Thanks to Bounty Fresh! They make EGG-ceptional eggs that are Nutri-filled, Omega 3-enriched, Organic Selenium, and Cage-free! And if I cook a brunch for my kids, it's really omelets with Bounty Fresh eggs. Indeed, a simple yet tasty omelet can definitely make a bad day better.🍳😊

Bounty Fresh, the country’s top egg producer, is taking the lead in promoting the health benefits of consuming eggs daily in the country through various initiatives including spearheading the celebration of World Egg Day this month. This year’s event will be the onset of Bounty Fresh Eggs’ yearly celebration of World Egg Day.

So I'm sharing an EGGciting event that's truly hard to eggnore. Bounty Fresh had an eggtastic revelation at the #WorldEggDay event last October 12 at the Mall Atrium Eastwood. Got to know what's beneath the shell of every premium quality eggs of Bounty Fresh. Plus, we enjoyed a lot of egg-xhilarating activities!

With its state of the art facilities and using healthy feeds on layer hens to ensure high quality eggs, Bounty Fresh has become the Gold Standard in the Philippines as far as eggs are concerned. Given its standing in the industry, Bounty Fresh wants more Filipinos to add eggs into their regular meal because they are affordable sources of protein, vitamins and minerals necessary in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

“We are optimistic that by leading events like the World Egg Day, Filipino consumers will become more familiar with our products, especially the nutrition-enriched Bounty Fresh Eggs,” says Architect Edwin Chen, Managing Director of Bounty Farms, Inc.

“Despite their affordability, the Philippine consumption of eggs is among the lowest in Asia. This is because of the misconception that eggs are bad for the health because of the cholesterol. We want to correct this misconception,” Chen adds.

Architect Chen explains that an egg has 187 mg of cholesterol, way below the recommended limit of 300 mg per day, or only 200 mg if one has diabetes or heart disease. While table eggs may cause mild increases in Total and LDL cholesterol levels, this is not a cause for alarm. Eggs, he adds, consistently raise HDL (the “good”) cholesterol. In fact, studies show that up to three whole eggs per day are perfectly safe for healthy people.

So how does Bounty Fresh achieve high quality eggs? It starts with giving its layer hens the best care and comfort by housing them in environmentally controlled and fully automated houses that are tunnel ventilated. These hens are also given complete vaccination against diseases and are subject to a medication program designed to boost their immune system.

The layer hens are also given the best nutrition formulated by the company’s nutritionist to ensure that it meets the nutrient requirements for body maintenance and optimum production, that is, they can lay the number of eggs expected from their lifetime; with the eggs at the optimum size and covered with high quality egg shells to prevent the entry of bacteria and contaminants; and good quality albumen (white egg) and yolk rich in finest nutrition found on eggs.

Once the eggs are produced, they are brought to storage facilities using a fully automated conveyor. From the chicken house straight to the egg rooms, the eggs are fully secured to make sure that they don’t get in contact with contaminants and bacteria. This procedure will ensure that eggs are fresh and clean, making them safe for human consumption.

At the egg storage facilities, the eggs are then selected and graded by a fully automated computer programmed grading machines. This process ensures that:

-       Dirty eggs and eggs with cracks or “hairline” cracks that are not visible to the eye are removed when they pass through the so-called “candling area” section of the conveyor.
-       Eggs are sorted by the machine and not by human hands to prevent contact with contaminants.
The eggs are stored in optimum temperature that will ensure freshness and quality of the albumen and yolk. A quality assurance team randomly inspects the eggs to confirm meeting the standard quality that the company has set or fixed.

As attested by credible agencies such as the Food Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), eggs are very good source of affordable, high quality protein. They are rich in vitamins D, B2, B6 and B12, as well as a good source of minerals such as zinc, iron and copper, as well as choline.

Because of the vitamins and minerals found on eggs, consuming them will help strengthen muscles, boost the health of the brain, bolster energy production, promote a healthy immune system, as well as lower the risk of heart diseases mainly because of choline, which helps in breaking down the amino acid homocysteine that is associated with the development of heart diseases.

Eggs are also healthful for pregnancy as the nutrients help prevent congenital disabilities such as spina bifida. Moreover, eggs aid weight loss and maintenance, improve eyesight and promote healthier skin.

Stephanie Zubiri shared her fave Spinach and Feta Frittata recipe, a sumptuous dish that you can try at the comfort of your home.

So make sure to #ChoosetheRightHue for you and your family :) For more details, visit

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