BLOG & TAG Blogger’s Promo
Joining is easy! Just follow these 3 steps!
STEP 1. Write a BLOG entry and tell us which Anywhere Philippines destination would you like to join and why.
Make it fun, informative and entertaining. Make it as awesome as it can be! But don’t forget: Blog should include 1) links to Anywhere Philippines Website site & 2) Anywhere Philippines contact info.
STEP 2. TAG Anywhere Philippines Facebook page & website in your Facebook wall with the following status:
"Join @Anywhere Philippines' Blog & Tag Blogger Promo for a chance to win a Free Trip! Visit http://anywherephils.blogspot.com for more details!" Check ou t my blog entry (insert blog link).”
To be able to tag, you have to click LIKE button at the Anywhere Philippines Facebook Fan Page.
STEP 3. Email the following t o anywhere.phils@yahoo.com
· Trip of Choice: (List of trips available in website)
· Full Name:
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· Link of Blog:
· Facebook Name & Faceb ook link of tag:
and yes, I'm def joining! :) Simply because I am a blogger who loves adventure and outdoor fun with a passion for underwater world that loves to have a good time!
My trip of choice is none other than Donsol for the whale shark watching experience! I have two other choices though, (wink wink) I'd like to go to Bantayan Beach or the Caramoan, 'cause I'm such a big, and I mean BIG beach bum but I am so amazed with whale sharks also called “butanding” by the locals in Donsol, but Tiki-tiki in southern Leyte. It's something new and sounds pretty exciting. If you haven't heard of it, well it's the largest fish in the world and in contrast to what their terrifying name seems to imply, they are not dangerous like other sea giants or predators; they are really gentle and playful. See, I did my research? LOL I've never been to Legaspi though and I've always wanted to see a whale shark up close. I always wanted to see a Butanding and I aim to actually interact with them. See how cute a butanding is!? So huge yet gentle. ;p
So if your idea of F-U-N is cruising through rough seas, watching whale sharks and getting splashed with waves (it's my idea of great time, really!), join now and DIVE here! :) Let's live life to the fullest aye? Our country, Philippines, is beautiful... and so am I. (bow) LOL

A traveler am I and a navigator, and every day I discover a new region within my soul.