Great opportunity from Mr. Opportunist

I'm checking out my friend,Arlene's blog and while I'm reading her new buzz, I came across Mr. Opportunist's contest. Can you see the guy with the yellow tailored suit and armed with a deadly weapon?? Yup, I think, that's him. Cool huh? And I don't think he's one of the bad Mafia guys I've seen in some action movies coz he's giving away $100 for the lucky winner. I got interested not because I'm rooting for the cold cash baby! It's simply because I haven't tried joining one so I thought that maybe this one's worth a try and thought it'll be fun. Besides, it's something new for me and guess what, I really had fun doing it. I'm also looking forward to get some fries coz I'm craving for it! :) Told ya, little things make me happy these days. I'm just trying to join a contest and I'm already happy and felt as if I already won it. lol

Mr. Opportunist has a pretty cool blog so you might as well check it out and join his contest now. The more entries you earn, the more chances of winning! weeee! There are a lot of ways to gain entries.Even leaving a comment on this post and you already have 1 entry so there, everyone gets at least one entry. So now, here's my comment...
haha does it count? naaaah! Actually, I tried almost everything but I wasn't able to join his community forum. I can't register because it kept saying "unable to contact your email server..." and I already tried three of my yahoo email accounts.. Hmm.. Something's wrong I guess.

Oh well, I hope I win. I don't want to miss this uber cool opportunity. They say pregnant women are lucky so I just have to try my luck... so try it too! Go grab this great opportunity and if ever you're a man who obviously can't get pregnant, go get your wifey and get her pregnant now then make her join this contest pronto! lol I'm sure that's twice the fun! haha just kidding! sheeesh! so sorry.. you know how downright crazy pregnant women can get... tsk..tsk..


Any comments, my dear?